
Welcome fellow film-lovers!

Years ago I co-founded a Film Series and began attending the Sundance and Telluride Film Festivals. When I returned home, friends always wanted to know which films were good so I began sending mini film reviews of the festivals via email. Then I discovered MailChimp, which made everything easier, and now I am starting this blog. Ah, isn’t technology great?

From a couple dozen recipients my list has grown to over 400 … and because people seem to like these reviews, it spurs me on to continue writing them.

NOW, in this new (and improved) format, you can search the name of a film and find the review OR if you are looking to fill up your Netflix queue, go back to prior years and catch up on some great films you may not have heard about.

I also regularly attend the Mill Valley, San Francisco and sometimes Napa Valley Film Festivals and am thinking about adding these reviews to this blog, but that’s for another day.


Janice Anderson-Gram