Friday, September 1, 2006

Telluride 2006

Telluride 2006

I loved these films. They deserve distribution. They made my day:

Tribute to Walter Murch

He’s from this area and is a genius editor and sound designer. Look for other tributes to this creator of Apocalypse Now, The English Patient, American Graffiti, The Godfather, etc. etc.


If you saw Capote and loved it – see this film. If you saw it and hated it – see this film. If you didn’t see it, skip Capote and see this film. The performances are – in my humble opinion stellar (actually much better than the film last year). This film just holds together and is more engaging that last year’s film. About Capote’s writing of In Cold Blood.

The Lives of Others

About East German Stasi officers surveillance on “enemies of socialism” … one of the best films I’ve ever seen. Terrific actors.

The U.S. vs. John Lennon

Yes, you should see this. All Lennon music that has never been recorded. The story of how the Nixon administration and FBI tried to deport Lennon from the U.S. Great insight into the man/legend.

The Last King of Scotland

The Wall Street Journal reviewer said Forest Whiaker’s performance was one of the best film performances EVER. My money is on JAMES McAVOY who is stunning in this story about the Ugandan dictator Idi Amin. The director is an Oscar-winning documentarian. Fascinating, riveting.

Little Children

Kate Winslet and Patrick Wilson are splendid in a story about a stay-at-home mom and dad married to others. From the director of IN THE BEDROOM, written by the screenwriter of ELECTION. You will NEVER predict the ending. Funny and deadly serious. A film to talk about afterwards.


By the director of 21 GRAMS with an outstanding ensemble cast including Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Gael Garcia Bernal. Takes place in Morocco, Japan and Mexico. You will never know WHERE this film is going and will definitely want to talk about it afterwards. Amazing.

Received absolutely amazing “buzz” from people in line:

The Italian

A decaying orphanage in Russia and an adorable nine-year-old trying to find the identity of his birth mother.

Volver & Tribute to Penelope Cruz

If you love director Pedro Almodovar’s films (Talk to Her, Bad Education) you will probably like this.

The Page Turner

A 10 year old is traumatized at a piano competition that still haunts her 10 years later. I really wanted to see this but couldn’t fit it in …

Deep Water

About a stranger-than-fiction story of a bizarre trip to travel solo around the world. Hope this gets distribution so I can see it.


See this only if you can sit through a horror flic.

Days of Glory (Indigenes)

About Arab volunteer soldiers from France’s African colonies who fought in World War II.

These films were OK – I mean it was an interesting couple of hours of film, but somehow they just missed:


Great cast (Laura Linney, Gabriel Byrne) directed by Ray Lawrence of LANTANA fame. Australia never looked better. Wonderful acting, interesting story but it just missed. Not sure why.


Could have been great. A bit flat, but an amazing performance by Peter O’Toole. About a very, very old man and a very, very young girl. It had some good comic moments.

20,000 Streets Under the Sky

If you love the BBC you will enjoy this film. Entertaining and somewhat thought provoking.

“Oh my god, they spent money on THAT?”:

Yipee! I didn’t see ANY of this type of film. Whew.

Some hated this, some really liked it:


Nicole Kidman plays the photographer Diane Arbus. Truly a film that polarized people. No one said it was great. The most flattering comment was “it was interesting”.

“The Line” emphatically agreed these films sucked, aka REAL LOSERS:

Day Night Day Night

Supposedly a haunting performance by a newcomer. French.

Ghosts of Cite Soleil

Danish about desperately poor and dangerous street gangs.